Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Civilization Cycle!


          History of earth is long, Billions of years long,yet written human history is only say 6,000 years old. In some religions of the world history is recorded of  the rise and fall of past civilization. These records show that Civilizations on earth has risen and fallen 4 times in earth history. These civilization in some cases rival ours in culture and technology .Archeologist have confirmed that the earth has gone through 4 extinction events in its past. Each event was destructive enough to devastate whole populations of animals. Was modern man there during the upheavals on earth? Some religions say yes. Evidence of sophisticated living have been found all over the world. This evidence has been dug-up in mines,rivers,and farms everywhere. How can you explain a gold chain found in coal that was formed Millions of yours ago. Millions of years ago a chain was lost. dropped in the grass or marsh only to be found millions of years later after that grass area turned to coal. This type of evidence has been found All over the world. All to often the evidence is lost,stolen, or bought and hidden away. Why is the truth of earths history kept from the public? Has the truth been suppressed for religious purposes? Are governments and religious powers afraid that we cant handle the truth? Can you handle the truth?

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